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Varieties of Secular Experience: Navigating AA in a Secular Way

Some Previous Workshop Recordings in audio only. For YouTube style recordings, please visit our YouTube Channel. Beginning in July 2022, our audio recordings are on our podcast page at .

On the last Sunday of each month, beginning June 27th, 2021, we’ll have a different speaker or panel of speakers sharing their own experience, strength, and hope for about 30 minutes on some aspect of getting, staying, and/or living sober in AA in a secular way. The last hour will be for discussion, questions or comments. The workshops are always 11 am PST, noon MST, 2 pm EST and 7 pm GMT.
Meeting ID: 828 6117 8567, passcode 121212.  These workshops are recorded.

“In AA we are supposed to be bound together in the kinship of a universal suffering. Therefore the full liberty to practice any creed or principle or therapy should be a first consideration. Hence let us not pressure anyone with individual or even collective views. Let us instead accord to each other the respect that is due to every human being as he tries to make his way towards the light. Let us always try to be inclusive rather than exclusive. Let us remember that each alcoholic among us is a member of AA, so long as he or she so declares.”

from Bill Wilson’s 1965 Address to the General Service Conference

As freethinkers, we aspire to open-mindedness and to appreciating the sharing of others—particularly those with whom we disagree. We ask only that everyone share without attempting to dissuade, argue, or disrespect anyone else or their beliefs.

As a group, we are secular.  That is, we do not endorse or oppose any system of belief, nor do we have any quarrel with any form of religion.  We also do not use prayers of any kind in our workshops or meetings.  Our only wish is to assure suffering alcoholics that they can find sobriety in A.A. without having to accept anyone else’s belief or having to deny their own.

audio files of some of our previous workshops

The Big Book and Secular AA
Glenn Rader workshop VII
Rev Ward Ewing workshop VI
Eugene L. in workshop V
John S. in workshop IV
3 Speakers sober on Zoom for a year or so
Arlene J in Workshop II

Kevin G. in Workshop I